The submarine observer estimating target angle pictures himself on the target ship looking back at the submarine.
Estimation of target angle is based on the observer's visual identification of target features like differentiating the bow from the stern.
However, some older types of heliostat incorporate solar trackers, together with additional components to bisect the sun-mirror-target angle.
A target moving from right to left on the same track would have target angles progressing downward from 315?to 225?with the closest point of approach occurring at 270?
A target passing a stationary observer from left to right might have target angles progressing from 45?to 135? with broadside facing of 90?marking the minimum distance between target and observer.
If the aircraft was properly aligned with the target on the bomb run, the difference between the range and target angles would be continually reduced, eventually to zero ( within the accuracy of the mechanisms ).
A Wa Pruef 1 report estimated that, with the target angled 30?sideward, a Panther tank could penetrate the turret of a T-34-85 from the front at ranges up to 2000 m, the mantlet at 1200 m, and the frontal hull armour at 300 m.
Misjudging the target angle, the plane knocked down her foremast and radio antennas and splashed without inflicting a single casualty . " Hodges " quickly made emergency repairs and continued providing air coverage thus playing a key role in successfully landing the 6th Infantry Division and General Wing's 43rd Division.
At 02 : 00, on 24 May, the destroyers were sent as a screen to search for the German ships to the north, and at 02 : 47 " Hood " and " Prince of Wales " increased speed to 28 knots and changed course slightly to obtain a better target angle on the German ships.
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